Our story begins with the 150g bar. The chocolate experts at Rübezahl Schokoladen developed the original SUN RICE milk chocolate. And because it is so delicious, we do what makes SUN RICE Original special to this day: we pack our light puffed rice in extra chocolate.
Now no one has to break off pieces themselves, we'll do it for you! Just one year after the bar, SUN RICE comes in bite-sized portions in a practical tray.
Chocolatey SUN RICE bites are now also available in fine dark chocolate.
An absolute indulgence - delicious to bite into!
We are breaking new ground with SUN RICE Crunchy: light and fluffy puffed rice with crunchy ingredients in a delicious cocoa cream, coated in milk or dark chocolate.
When the best cereals like spelt, barley, wheat and buckwheat are bathed in milk cream with puffed rice, it's crunchy fun for the kids! With our Kid Crunchy, SUN RICE is now finding new fans among little snackers.
SUN RICE does not only stay fresh and crunchy in the bag. In 2012, we introduced a practical resealable feature on our pack, which makes it easy to reseal the delicious bites. So each bite stays fresh even longer.
The Crunchy Nut variety enriches the SUN RICE product family with freshly roasted hazelnut pieces in a delicious milk cream. No one can resist it!
New spooky fun for young and old: individually wrapped
SUN RICE Crunchys with a delicious filling of orange coloured milk cream, which is completely free of artificial colourings and exciting, crackling "popping candy".
Yes, sometimes a new style is needed: in 2020
SUN RICE will hit the shelves with a fresh look: a new, eye-catching design that remains true to our history, but above all to our motto:
"Packed with crunchy fun!"
The year has demanded a lot from us and we at SUN RICE have tried to sweeten the things with delicious moments for all of you. We look forward to continuing to make the SUN RICE world sunnier with you. "Let the sun rice!"